Cabot's Garden Furniture Oil is a highly durable, low odour, water-based oil designed to provide exceptional durability to all exterior surfaces. It lasts twice as long as traditional garden furniture oils. The advanced dual technology of Garden Furniture Oil allows natural oils to penetrate and nourish timber, then creates a durable acrylic barrier for a beautiful natural finish.
For best results with weathered grey timber, sand the timber back to a fresh substrate. Clean with Cabot's Deck Clean following label instructions. Apply with a brush or spray applicator. Stir thoroughly with a broad flat paddle before and during use. Apply liberally along the length of the timber, including exposed edges and end grain, by brush. The initial milky colour helps with even product application, drying to a semi-transparent finish. Apply two coats, allowing 2 hours between coats.
Every 12 months, check your coated timber for changes in colour or if water repellency diminishes due to weathering. When required, clean the surfaces with Deck Clean as per label instructions. Recoat with 2 coats of Aquadeck for a longer-lasting finish. Use Cabot’s Everyday Deck Wash to refresh exterior timber decking and help remove dirt, dust, and bird droppings for everyday use.
- Advanced dual technology
- Exceptional durability with UV protection
- Low odour formula
- Water, dirt, and mould repellent
- Recoat in just 2 hours