Bynorm offers a complete range of high-quality sharpening stones to help you sharpen your lawn mower, hedge trimmer, or chainsaw. This sharpening kit is perfect for sharpening .325 pitch chainsaw chains, which are most commonly used for sawing wood. Regularly sharpening your chain increases efficiency and reduces wear and tear, ensuring you get the most out of your tools.
This kit comes with three different stones along with a stick of kool grind to keep your tools cool while you work. Regularly sharpening your chain increases efficiency and reduces wear and tear. The 3/16" sharpening kit includes 3 sharpening stones and 1 stick of kool grind, making it suitable for sharpening .325 in pitch chainsaw chains.
- Includes 3 sharpening stones
- Comes with 1 stick of kool grind
- Increases efficiency and reduces wear and tear